This is the list of our weekend homework and some reminders about upcoming tests. Oh, before that, please remember to go to the Bentick/Bentique room for literature period (not sure what day though =/)
- complete Chapter 2 revision worksheet, the one which we did during math remedial
- indices Worksheet 4
- content page for A/E math files
- read Textbook to page 107 (basically the pages which she went through with us)
- lesson worksheet: complete the table for the last few pages of the whole stack of notes (there are dotted line and blank spaces for you to fill in. Yep, its there. Try finding it)
- summary for 'Tiger' comprehension
- finish up 'Change' speech
- reminder: we will be doing the summary part for the CA1 test during eng on monday. Please do not take your time coming back from PE or you'll have lesser time doing the paper
- structured questions TB pg 86
- read textbook units 4.1-4.3 (basically everything that he taught us, same as chem)
- Week 9 (wed)- AM CA1 chapters 2/3
- Week 9 (thurs, for 3/3 chinese girls)- zuo wen CA1
- Week 9 (fri)- EM CA1 chapters 2/3
- Week 10 (thurs)- Lit unseen prose
- Week 10 (fri)- Phsics chapters 1-3 (focus studying on those chap which hasn't been test yet)
Jing Wei